Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whitney turns "3"

Happy Birthday to our very special girl. Gramma can't believe you have been here with us for 3 years already.
You are such a precious girl.
You love to learn about everything. You have great speech. But sometimes like to say things in your own way, like instead of piano you say plano. You can say yell and o but you don't say yellow you say lello.
I love your imagination. You love to sing and dance. You make up little words when you are playing and you like to tell us to say them.
You love to play princess and prince and you always get to be the princess.
You are great with your little brother well...most of the time. Although you do like to steal his binky.
You love to eat snacks and have a hard time waiting for snack time.
You are really into skirts and prefer them over pants.
You love wearing your hair pretty and almost always have beautiful bows in made by mom.
You think your dad is the greatest. You love to go to the house to work with him or join him on trips to Billings.
You have a scowl about you these days and man can you turn it on. I like to tease you that you look like Mr.Duck in one of your books.
You love to watch your movies, lately you have been watching little mermaid and little rascals.
You enjoy reading books and being read to, you have a new book called Pinkalicious and you already have a lot of it memorized. Your birthday this year will be all about Pinkalicious. The little girl who ate to many pink cupcakes.
Well sweetie Gramma could write about you forever, but I do want you to know how special you are to me. And how much I love you. I thank Heavenly Father every day for letting me be your grandma.

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